Don’t let your hybrid vehicle sit for long periods. This will cause the battery to degrade faster.
It’s scientific fact that your battery is going to loose its power and capacity. Document its health so you know when it does. The good news is that current battery conditioning equipment provides reports with charts that display battery health. (This technology is only available at The Hybrid Shop locations.)
Hybrids are not as fuel-efficient on steady, long trips. They perform better in stop-and-go traffic which helps cycle the battery more often to keep it charged.
The AC system of a hybrid needs service by knowledgeable technicians. Since many vehicle systems use a HV (high voltage) compressor and the AC system in some cases cools the HV battery, it’s important that service is done by qualified technicians.
Be cognizant of the weather! Extreme temperature fluctuations can have a negative impact and cause faster degradation of the HV battery. Make sure your HV battery’s State of Health is checked more often in these extremes to ensure any HV battery imbalances are caught early and to avoid irreversible damage.
Hybrid and EV’s other systems require routine maintenance. Hybrids include a traditional combustion engine as well as brakes, steering, and suspension systems – all of which require regular maintenance.
Your hybrid/EV requires Low Rolling Resistant Tires. These tires have a harder rubber compound that makes them roll easier. They allow your engine to exert less energy, resulting in greater fuel economy and savings.
Know your battery! The Lithium-ion batteries in EV’s can only be monitored and tested, not conditioned. However, the nickel-metal hydride battery pack found in most hybrids can be conditioned indefinitely as long as the battery cells are properly maintained. This means you’ll most likely never have to replace costly nickel-metal cells.
Hybrid and EV maintenance involves electronic systems that are new to most shops. Make sure your vehicle is maintained by a reputable shop with the proper training credentials. Look for electronic systems, diagnostics, and repair courses that are hands-on (not online). ATTS and The Hybrid Shop offer the best, most thorough technical education, so look for these as well as an ASE L3 Light Duty Hybrid/Electric Vehicle Certified Specialist!
You have maintenance choices! As more independent repair facilities get the proper training, hybrid/EV owners will have more options outside of car dealerships. Make sure you shop around and find a Hybrid Shop or business with the right technical training, expertise, and equipment.
Bonus For hybrid owners: You can condition or purchase replacement batteries at your local Hybrid Shop – You finally have a full-service, less costly option for all your hybrid needs besides a car dealership!
For more tips and to find a Hybrid Shop near you, visit